Here's to a New Year filled with: promise and sweetness and kindness and abundance and fulfillment and love and friendship and creativity and hugs and reaching for the stars and lassoing the moon and peace and harmony and jumping for joy and new adventures and eyes open wider and great health and singing louder and dancing more and heightened senses and embracing simplicity and reaching out and communing with nature and seeking deeper meanings and doing more, watching less and giving permission to go for "it" and loving the inside AND the outside and finding greater knowledge and going with the flow and no sweating the small stuff and taking moments to just BE and attracting goodness and manifesting dreams and remembering what is important and good books and twirling with abandon and more smiling, less tears and permitting new, exotic fragrances and seeing with a fresh view of your surroundings and holding hands and sipping tea between conversation and greeting the dawn and kissing the sunset and standing on mountains and sitting at the shore and looks in the mirror with delight not dread and running with the wind and being wild and unfettered and constantly learning and strengthening your convictions and no competing to be like someone else and writing yourself love notes and writing love notes to others and humbly receiving and graciously giving and showing good intent and talking softly and greeting a stranger and lessening the negative and walking with your head up and taking the time to pay attention and being the best YOU on the planet.
So take a cup of kindness................... for Auld Lang Syne........ and the hope for brighter things ahead for us all! Happy New Year my friends, it is with knowing you and meeting you and still to meet you........that helps the bells ring in this new year ever sweeter!