For some time now my art mojo had decided to take a was in a dormant state awaiting something..... I knew not what. I decided to not fight it anymore and go about my business knowing when it was ready it would let me know.
When I write there are many times I face a blank page......
everyone at one time or another experiences these lulls.
One day recently I picked up my pencil and gum eraser and sat with a watercolor pad and began to draw. There was no plan......there was no particular inspiration.....the pencil just started to move around the page. It was then that the Twinkling H20's came out.....I have over 120 of them......and the brushes dipped and washed and glided and overlapped and the pencil drawings turned to color.
It's all about the passion. What people see is open to personal taste, it's open to what sparks the observer, it's open to love it or despise it.....I cannot control reaction. No artist the best thing to do is continue doing what you love and if it sparks YOU that is what counts. And if someone sees what YOU do and wants what you've created......well that is icing on the artisitc cake.
My studio is in motion again.........
I dipped my brush in, I tapped my brush out
I dipped my brush in and shook it all about
I did the hokey pokey
and turned myself around
and that's what it's all about!!!
"Letting Go"
(the woman is done with pencil then coated with clear gesso)
"Earth Mother"
"Contemplating the Universe"
"Here is My Handle, Here is My Spout"
I hope you are having a great start to your week.....June is ending....didn't it just begin?