My hydrangea plant(fave flower) that needs to get repotted soon.
My 4 year Blogiversary is Sunday but I am not prepared......still doing house mode and also working on another painting (think black and white stripey-legged dancer). So this means I will be putting off any self celebration until next week that will hopefully include a giveaway. I've also decided to take an online class that I will tell you about later too.
In the meantime I bid you all a most happy weekend! It's become hot here in the last few days after having been lulled into a false sense of security with lovely low 70's before that. So if it's hot where YOU are (which is most of the country) ....find ways to cool off and keep hydrated.
Until next time.....
Much love,
P.S. Now this is what is REALLY important..........
ok it's a bit blurry but the point is my little precious love (great nephew) is STANDING now!! He crawls up to and stands up to things......wasn't it yesterday they were sending me pics he rolled over??? WOW! They even sent me a video they took of him doing this, I've lost count of how many times I've watched it! I miss him so much if I had the means I'd fly there once a least we have pics, videos and Skype!! (and gratitude to his parents for keeping in such close heart is full)