And the top hat tips to reveal......
The winner of
Joyride and the Muse
Chel Marie
The winner of the Goddess Mirror
The winner of the Beautiful Mirror
Congratulations girls - I'll be emailing you!
I'd like to thank ALL who flew in to my blog for your warm, wonderful and heartfelt comments. They truly made me smile and in some cases even brought tears to my eyes.
I want to thank you ALL for your continued support and encouragement each of these five years.........without all of you I'd just be a gal talking to myself.
YOU are what makes these events successful, YOU and your enthusiasm!!!
Over 800 people this year, that is fantastic!! And so many various countries represented as well.........that thrills my soul!
Please know I am aware I didn't get to all the blogs, not even close, to comment or even welcome you individually. It is not for lack of caring you joined in or even laziness. When hosting an event like this (as I told someone recently) it's like being a one woman host at some fancy hotel party. You need to check people in.....make sure the foods right.....see to the decorations and tablescapes......make sure the music starts on time and so on. And while doing all that you're off in a corner trying to work on details to announce another party. You breeze by people, you may get to smile and wave but by the end of the night.....the room is look around and think "who did I even get a chance to talk to?" I know you wonderful bloggers know what I am trying to say.
I will be leaving the link list up for at least 6 months...there is a "badge" in my right sidebar with the bird on it that will stay in my sidebar (it will just be moved a bit lower) - you just have to click on it to get to the list.
THIS ISN'T THE END OF OUR PARTNERSHIP BY ANY MEANS.....WE MAY BE CLOSING THE DOOR TO ONE WORLD ONE HEART BUT WE ARE OPENING A NEW DOOR TO OUR WORLD OUR ART IN 2012! If you haven't heard about this yet you can click on the flyer in my right side bar AND sign up for the newsletter to learn ALL about it. I couldn't stop doing this if I tried!
So I send you International love, hugs and kisses and I hope this won't be the end of you stopping by my blog. Let's continue getting to know one another, shall we?
With a heart filled to brimming with pride and happiness and gratitude,
Lisa 'oceandreamer' Swifka