Today is my 6 year blogiversary. I didn't know what I was going to say or do to commemorate it so I decided to look back (sorry, no giveaway this time)..... back to my very first blog and a post I wrote about how much it meant to me to meet and communicate with so many various and wonderful people through the medium of blogging. I felt it then and I feel it now. During the time I had that first blog my Mom got sicker and by the end of that year I had lost her AND my eldest brother after 5 months of blogging. It was a terrible time but through talking about it and being open I received the gift of other bloggers wisdom and love and caring....from everywhere. It kept me going......and those kinds of connections kept me blogging all this time since. It's not just the hard times...oh no....the fun times too, the sharing of my ART, sharing adventures and the day to day things. I started another blog (plus one for just art) that I eventually closed to start this one and remained here ever since. I like it here, I AM a whimsical bohemian. Through creating/hosting One World One Heart for 5 years it really opened up the blogging world for me even wider and for others as well..... how could I have "met" other bloggers (and they each other) from 48 different countries any other way but via blogging! It's mind boggling!
So although my blogging and comments have slowed of late it does not change its relevance. I used to be a more frequent blogger (and commentor), sometimes in those days every day but you know how life can be sometimes. I strive to definitely get back to a more consistant pattern than once every week or two. We lose our connections that way and I don't want that to happen. You see even if you don't comment I know you are there, I feel your energy and I hope you feel mine. For those who do comment I appreciate it from the bottom of my heart!
So here is that post I wrote my first year of blogging - I hope you'll read it because it's for ALL of YOU out there - sorry it's so long.
There are Angels walking on earth and they take the form of many individuals. They don’t look out of the ordinary except for the inner glow they emit. They drive cars and some have children and even grandchildren. They work at jobs and they tend to their parents. They read books and teach courses and climb mountains and spin cloth. They create art and sing in choirs and spin wondrous tales. They grow flourishing gardens and live in the sea. They travel and bake delicious confections and bounteous meals. They light candles and burn incenses and give of their wisdom. They are funny and silly and jump with glee. They are survivors and warriors. They speak many languages. They are beautiful and soulful and show great compassion. They give of themselves through action and words. They fly to faraway places. They have insight and heightened senses. They write with words that sing off the page. They bare hardships and sorrow. They give gifts and are happy to receive them. They warm a heart with a single phrase. They have no markers or signs they carry and they don’t have visible wings. There are Angels in America and Angels in Canada and Angels in England and Angels in Australia and Angels in France and Angels all over the world. These Angels don’t ask for anything in return and they don’t expect praise. These Angels take to heart all that they see, all that they feel, all that they touch and all that they hear. These Angels have no halo except the one around their hearts. These Angels have a purpose unknown even to themselves.
As we go through our lives we are taken from one path to the other and we wonder why we end up in places we do. And then we come to a meadow so full of wildflowers that the beauty of it takes our breath away. The flowers in splendiferous colors bend and move with a soft breeze that envelopes us. We are astounded to find it and once there we know all the other paths have lead to this one moment. We cannot take it for granted nor can we pick even one flower as a favorite, they are all equally magnificent in their differences.We stand there, with tears streaming down our cheeks because it was so unexpected and yet we know there must have been some divine intervention that brought us there.The Angels are there….we can’t see them and we can’t touch them and we can’t hear them but their presence is felt in every breath we take and every movement we make.We want to photograph it or watercolor it or sketch it or sew it or sing it or weave it or write about it. We want to savor it and remember it and tuck it in our pockets for the moments in darkness when the colors can’t be seen.We savor its scents and we put our hands through the earth and we watch the butterflies and the dragonflies and the bees hover and dip and dive in it. We can’t believe our good fortune and we don’t want to blink or close our eyes fearing it’s all just a dream.All our worries and all our sorrows and all our moments of despair and our sagging spirits are uplifted. We are wrapped in the Angels arms and our tears are dried. Between the beauty and the Angels we give thanks and we give gratitude to the Universe. Whatever or whoever led us down this particular path in life has made all the other stony and rough roads worth it.Oh yes, there will be other roads to follow and there may be even more thorny brush to navigate through….but the knowledge of this meadow and the existence of the Angels will bring us back any time we find ourselves off course.
Thank you to all my blogger Angels. Thank you for uplifting my sagging spirits and for making my journey to this land of blog like the meadow. Thank you for your comments and your emails and your WISE words and your loving thoughts.I don’t know how I got here but I believe there was a purpose for it and I won’t ever take it for granted or the beauty of it.I truly believe there was intervention that led to me to this medium of communication and community. I think the Angels were testing me or perhaps they worked in unison with the fairies I always feel around me who couldn’t do it alone. Whatever the reason or the means or the ways in which the Universe works… has led me straight in to your angelic and comforting arms.I will take the gift and carefully keep it where I can see it and try to gain greater strength of will and fortitude from it. You do not judge and you do not ridicule, you do not criticize, you do not berate, you do not tell me how I SHOULD act or how I SHOULD be. You suggest, you share your hearts and experiences, you help guide by walking next to me not OVER me. You make me laugh out loud. You make me cry from warmth. You are honest about your own fears. You appreciate my art. Kindred souls, Angels walking…….I humbly sit here in awe of this experience thus far. Thank you from the depths of my heart. Let’s keep walking the path together, who knows what we will discover!