................... is like mindful therapy
.................... is the simple act of color to paper
..................... is small
..................... is large
..................... is done sitting in a favorite chair in the living room
...................... is done in your studio
..................... is done out in the sunshine
......................gives you a focus
...................... is absolutely necessary (which for many that's everyday)
...................... is created when you're feeling sad or depressed
......................is created when you're happy and joyful
......................isn't about perfection of line and substance
......................is all about getting it just right
..................... is looked at and pondered over
..................... carries a message
..................... is created regardless of time or place or mood or genre or a certain material or if there are words or not....... because that is what artists do.........create art in many forms, in many ways on many days.
These are some more pages I've done with no preconceived notions and no worry about perfection.....they are what they are because there are days when art just IS.