Awarded 2/20/07
From Denise and Julie Marie
From Mother Henna
From Janet,
Amusing Muses
Sabii Wabii
From Colette and Greenishlady
From Melissa at Altered Faireys
From Gillian
From Sheila and Gemma and Angela
From Denise Nesbitt
Blogging Friends Forever Award From Kate
From Sherrie
Wyld Woman Award From Janet
From Jeannie
to all who over the last 2 years of blogging who have graciously given me these various awards. I am honored and humbled to receive these awards, to know people read my blog and enjoyed it is truly wonderful. In all these cases but one I was to then pick other blogs to award but I am terrible at following rules. It's very hard for me to single out only a select few when clearly SO many give me great pleasure to visit, read, be inspired by, enjoyed with laughter and sometimes shared tears and always friendship. I have a very long link of blogs on my sidebar and others that sit in my computer bookmark - for various reasons I get something from each and every one of them. This makes choosing only 5 or 7 a difficult task for me. I know others manage to do this, which is why I received these awards (they followed the rules), but I am not like other people I guess. It does not, however, mean that I am not truly grateful because I am....more than you know.
I believe it was 2006 I created an award that I gave out to as many people as I could email at the time.....well it wasn't really an award but my way of saying that since I began blogging a great light had been shined upon me meeting so many amazing people. The badge below is what I sent everyone and I mean it still. It's my way of saying thank you for being a part of my life in some way. So if you're reading this feel free to take it...........know you are a light in the world, you matter, what you have to say means something, you are unique and wonderful. This is what I pass on in deference to the beautiful awards given to me. It does NOT mean that the ones I received don't matter or aren't worth passing on.......I told you I am just horrible at following rules........
With a happy and very grateful heart,
A Whimsical Bohemian