Last Saturday was my 40th High School Reunion. I know what you're is that possible when she's only 40? (wink wink) I still can't wrap my head around the fact it's been 40 years! I was one cog in a wheel of people that helped plan it and I feel it was a success. Oh the reminiscing that went on....first at the meetings where some of the other committee members were people I went to school with since Elementary school. Lots of laughter and memories happened at those meetings. At the reunion itself there was more laughter and hugging and reminiscing and "do you remember when.....?" and "OMG I haven't seen you in X years" and the inevitable questions like "so what do you do?"....."have any kids?"........"where do you live now?" and so on. We had a fantastic band play that 2 former classmates are in and later a couple of other classmates got up and jammed with them...from bluegrass to rock music. Yet another classmate sang the Green Day song (with her beautiful voice) "Time of Your Life" while 2 other classmates played acoustic guitar during a slide show of photos from the senior yearbook....and when I say senior I don't mean as in "citizen"....ha!.....I mean from Senior year! Our class has a lot of very musical people!
There is a gift you get when coming together with people from your past (I agree that isn't always the case).....the gift is that there are some who leave a lasting imprint on your heart and although time and distance has separated you when you come back around there is an ease and a comfort and a familiarity that makes the time apart seem moments ago. When you remember just how special they were and are......when you feel you can truly be yourself........when the laughter comes easily and the hugs are genuine. And then there are those you knew, and perhaps grew up with you in school, but your interactions were perhaps infrequent.....YET you spend time with them (like during committee meetings) and you are drawn to them in a whole new way. A way that says I don't want this person or these people to just be "see you at the next reunion" - you've found an affinity that is worth taking the time to stay in touch. I feel I was gifted on both those counts and it feels amazing. (women AND men)
Am I the same person I was back then? I think I am.....I'm still me but sadly with a lot more poundage. The me on the inside is basically the same though but you are who you are regardless of the exterior and my hope is that others see that about one another. I sure do. I look at the eyes and what a person exudes in terms of genuineness as a human being. I don't care and do not judge exteriors because the whole of a person is their character. The most beautiful people may be vapid inside while someone else not considered beautiful on the outside (by ridiculous standards) can be THE most beautiful person. You know what I mean? I know these things to be true and I am working hard to apply it to myself because I am nothing if I am not honest....and I have tremendous issues with my exterior. Why can we never afford ourselves the same courtesies and kindnesses? BUT I am getting sidetracked.....and if you read my blog I've talked about this before.
The main thing is that I feel blessed to reconnect and my goal is to do my best to keep those connections on-going and I hope they feel that too. I must say with Facebook it's been an amazing way to do that reconnecting as well. I think, especially among women friends, it is imperative we try to carve out time for a gaggle of gals to gather and have some fun whenever possible. And regardless of age. With the additional blessing that some knew you when!
AND sometimes it may with those you've met through this fabulous medium of blogging....I've been able to do THAT too and so hope it can happen again.
I will leave you with this......Embrace your fabulous selves - know your true worth - and know it comes from within. Know you have value and heart. Don't judge your true worth on what you look like. It's not easy, I should know, but maybe with some practice...encouragement and friendships.....we can all realize it together.
Now go out and make it a fabulous day!!