It's coming - finally - April 7-18!!! Mark your calendar and SPREAD THE WORD!!
All the information you need is below and although it may seem lengthy I try to cover ALL questions you may have regarding what this event is about, how to participate, what must be included in your post, and so much more. If you participated in any or all of the previous event One World One Heart please know that event ended in 2011 and this new event is DIFFERENT. Therefore it is imperative you read the "rules" about this event to see if you qualify for this one. I literally BEG you to read all this because as things get rolling when it starts it seriously lessens issues knowing what to do before hand.
I realize the old badge that was here said 2013.....I have revised it. IF you have the badge on your blog you can replace it with this one below with the one that says 2014.
This is the event badge -
Be sure to link the badge back to this page using this link
Here is a larger version you can click to enlarge, save and resize to fit your sidebar
********OUR WORLD OUR ART**********
Our World Our Art is a brand new annual event replacing One World One Heart that previously ran for 5 years. It will be an International Blogwide Celebration of the Arts and its Artisans. Its mission is to give all of us who create with our hands in many mediums and in many genres....a chance to celebrate our authentic artistic selves and our authentic artistic vision....together. This event will also continue the importance of meeting other bloggers from around the world making connections, forming friendships.
The goal is to showcase the various kinds of artistic work and the bloggers behind well as find links to many online shops where these artforms may be sold by the individual.
For those who may have had an artistic voice that has been kept silent, this event will be a chance to give sound to that silence and let others "hear" your artistic point of view.
Whether you are an established and well folllowed art blogger or brand new to the world of blogging, we want to hear from you, get to know you, see your artistic passion.
Be original. Don't let your zealous quest in seeking authenticity find you lip syncing to anothers original voice. - L.Swifka
Thank you so much for your interest in OWOA (Our World Our Art) This information is designed to give you an as much information as possible. It may be a lot at first but I am truly excited to facilitate this endeavor so blogging artists/artisans can be seen and heard from around the world.
This new event will give all those with an "artistic passion" a way to showcase your work and who you are. Think about it.... no magazine could possibly show hundreds of artisans together in one issue... but we can with this International Event. And International it is!!
Before I go on I want to make something crystal clear about OWOA and what it is NOT(I know it seems silly but trust me when I say it gets my knickers in a twist when people use these terms) :
It is NOT a blog hop
It is NOT about blog candy
It is NOT a carnival
It is NOT a festival
It is NOT a swap
It is NOT a challenge
It is "An International Blogwide Artsitic Event" - plain and simple!!!
This event is NOT just about having the potential to win something. Although we all like that aspect it is NOT the driving force behind this event......this is about finding artists/artisans/creative people and seeing what they do. It's about finding inspiration and connections with others. This is a chance to turn up your artistic light for others to see and you to see theirs.
Becoming a Participant...
Of course you must be an ACTIVE blogger. You may not participate from Facebook, Tumblr, Flickr, Instagram, Twitter etc. No social media sites. This is strictly for blogs.
Please do NOT create a blog solely for this event and then abandon it - it has happened and the person never blogs again. Besides art the connections between bloggers are ongoing! This is a way for people to connect, come back for more, spread inspiration to one another. If I see that the link you send to me is the only post on your blog ever......we have an issue.
Next what qualifies you is your artistic passion and the ability to showcase it. This new event is ALL about that....see the Mission Statement above . Art takes on many forms....some may call what you do 'art' and some may call what you do 'craft'. In my book, and for the purposes of OWOA, we're going to call it your "artistic passion". So what does that mean? It means if you sit in your home or studio and you have supplies (whatever they may be) and you create something out of those supplies - by hand - and with your own designs....AND you LOVE doing it to sell or to just do it because you love it or because it brings harmony to your very existence....then you have "artistic passion". You can be a very well established art blogger with a huge following and even been in some art magazines OR you can be the person who is still waiting to have people see your work....either way you can be a member of this International group of those who create with "Artistic passion" and participate in this event.
So you're saying to yourself, "I still don't know if what I do qualifies".... or....."I am not an artist, I don't paint". This is not about that and you don't have to be a painter. Look at all the art publications out there that showcase everything from painting to altered art to apron makers to art dolls to jewelry makers to people who do needle work, fabric art. There is also mixed media, scrapbookers, paper artists, photographers, cupcake bakers, bead makers, glass makers, seasonal artistes, sculptors, digital art, collage, illustrators, journal book I need to go on?
Look within yourself and ask yourself "what is my artistic passion?" and go with it. NOW you may be one of those who likes to do MANY varieties of may make art dolls, paint, do altered art and whatever. You may feel hard pressed to pick just one because frankly, you're passionate about all of them. So show us. All of them. Only YOU know what makes your heart pound and what gives you that feeling of complete and total abandon when you are creating it.
There may be those out there who would sell this event, or the people wanting to do it, short by saying "ahh, this is just a bunch of artsy craftsy people - I am an artist". Not only does that way of thinking sound elitist and snobby, it also makes it sound like the only artistic passion in this world are those people. That is so not true and it is degrading to anyone who sits and creates with their hands and heart. I would hope those with that way of thinking simply do not participate.
I know you are going to have questions....I know you will want to ask if what you do/create qualifies you...... because so many people still see the word ART and connect it with gallery paintings. The definition of art is a controversial one because you can ask 100 people what art is and get a myriad of answers as to how THEY view the word and what it encompasses.
Our World Our Art will encompass MANY forms of artistic expression provided it is created by hand.
What does it NOT include?
This is NOT a means for free commercial businesses, brick and mortar stores, mass produced art of any kind. It is NOT a means to promote sales for classes, DVD's, books, flea market finds, house wares, ....I think you get the idea. This is not going to be a giant directory for anyone with a blog either. Hopefully they will have the good sense to read about this event before posting...that doesn't always happen. If you are not sure ask - email me before hand. If you are a commercial business with a online website and you would like to be a sponsor with an ad in my sidebar before/during/after this event please email me for information and cost.
If there was a way to prescreen a blog post prior to it being published that would be ideal...but since that can't happen I will screen all submissions to participate when the time comes and I WILL let you know if you don't qualify. I am a stickler for keeping (to the best of my ability) everyone on the same page and making sure those who submit are paying attention to the rules.
This new event may disqualify previous participants from OWOH who do not create art of any kind, and for that I am sorry. I appreciate those who have taken part in the past but this is something brand new and much more specific.
One last thing...and this is important.....anyone found copying/emulating another’s work will be disqualified. There are copyright laws and just plain artistic ethics. Your creations must be in your personal style. You can be inspired by another but make sure that inspiration does not become imitation. Find your own voice and make it your own. If this makes you nervous please don't be.... email me and I will be happy to discuss it with you and explain it further.
Creating your Participant Post:
For your post to qualify and be added to the list when the event begins you must include the following. It seems like a lot but really it isn't and gives a good overview of who you are.
1.Title the post "Our World Our Art"
2. Include the logo and be sure it links back to OWOA - invite readers to click on it and be taken to that info(this is for those that won't know about it already)
3. Introduce yourself, who YOU are, maybe include a photo of yourself. (doesn't have to be your whole life story with tons of photos but shouldn't just be "hi, I'm Mary" either - somewhere in between)
4. Explain what your "artistic passion" is.
5. Show photos to give an example of that artistic passion. (or artistic passionS)
6. (THIS IS NEW)If you have an Etsy shop or the like let people know they can see more of your work and link to your shop. It may NOT be a commercial business and/or brick and mortar venue. No big promotions, offering of discounts etc. Simply let people know where you sell your work. REMEMBER - it is NOT a requirement to have a shop at all.
7. Present your "gift giveaway" with a photo and brief description
(remember - it MUST be in the art form you explain (#4) and example(#5)
*Note* you may giveaway more than one item....BUT again, they must be in the art form(s) you talk about.
8. Explain the rules of how to enter your giveaway:
Let them know the following
· Open to ALL active bloggers worldwide
· Leave a comment with a way to contact them should they win.
· Let them know you will announce the winner or winners on April 18th (The time on that closing day you choose to announce your winner(s) is up to you, just be sure to close comments when you are ready on the last day) There will be NO hoop jumping for someone to enter or get more chances to win. NO "pick a fave in my shop and let me know for another chance to win" - NO answering questions for another chance to win - NO "like me on Facebook" or anything else except what is outlined in the bullet points above.
All winners MUST be emailed to let them know they won - you cannot rely solely on posting it on your blog and hoping they see it. They must contact you with mailing info within approx. 3 days after you let them know they won. All giveaways should be shipped out ASAP and if there is to be a delay you MUST communicate with your winner(s). Please do NOT wait weeks, a month or months to send it out.
IF anyone should send a link for a post that does not include all of the above they will be told to change it and then resend me the link before I can add them. IF your post title says things like BLOG GIVEAWAY, or OWOA Giveaway or BLOG HOP etc. you will be asked to change that as well. Am I a stickler? I guess I am.....I just want to keep this so that EVERYONE is on the same page and that it is cohesive across the board.
You MUST make leaving comments on your blog easy......turn off word verification, moderating etc. so people do not go through a misery trying to leave you a comment. You can, however, chose not to accept any anonymous commentors. As the list grows it becomes increasingly frustrataing to have to go crazy just trying to leave a comment.
Each person who participates in OWOA will be expected to have a "gift giveaway". This gift giveaway may not be a random previous years through One World One Heart I didn't REQUIRE the giveaway to be handmade, it could be whatever you wanted and didn't even have to be in the art form you did or any art form at all. With this new event it IS a requirement....and there is another requirement as well...a VERY IMPORTANT ONE...your giveaway must be created in the art form of the "artisitc passion" you showcase in your post and nothing else. For example: say you introduce yourself, then introduce and show photos of the altered art boxes you make. You would then giveaway an altered art box (it does not have to be large). If you showcase needle art (tatting or crochet or knitting or cross stitch and the like) your gift giveaway MUST be in that genre. If you showcase you are a painter then your gift giveaway must be a small painting or perhaps a lovely print of one of your paintings.
If you choose to show a few of the various forms your artistic passion takes you can have a giveaway for each one or pick ONE to base your giveaway on.
You cannot showcase you make jewelry and then your gift giveaway is an altered tag or a book or something else. No, no, no! NOT ask people to go to your shop to pick a giveaway - YOU determine and show the winnings. If after they win and/or seeing and reading about you and want more they can follow your link to your shop to buy more. But in terms of the not ask for choices or to go anywhere else........they should already know what it is from you!
Also free downloads, free templates and free images, free tutorials etc are not permitted as a gift giveaway. The idea is for people to stop by, read about you, see your art, read about your artistic passion - leave a comment (I address comments below) with a chance to win a piece of that persons tangible "art form" .
This will be strictly enforced. This is all about the arts people therefore you will be giving away a piece that was created in the form you showcase. Please note that these items do not have to be large, I realize shipping can be an issue as it's worldwide. But there is time to plan this out for yourself.
In the 5 years of OWOH I have never addressed comments but I feel that it's time I do. You see this event is not a race to win prizes......sure it's fun to win something, who doesn't like that part? BUT the focus of OWOA will be the same as before in terms of people getting a chance to get to know one another....meeting and finding kindred spirits. With Our World Our Art you have the chance to also meet like-minded artists/artisans/craftspeople as well. Therefore it's important to leave a comment that makes the person whose blog you left it on WANT to click back to you and find out about YOU as well! I realize the list gets LONG.........I realize we can't be at our computers 24 hours a day .....but it only takes a moment to say something more than "Count me in"....or "nice giveaway, put my name in" or worse yet they comment on someone they know and say "nice to meet you, count me in.". This is a dead giveaway that you click on comments paste in a prewritten comment and don't even really know what blog you're on, what they do, etc. It's "drive by" commenting at its worst and this needs to stop. You may not get to everyone but that doesn't mean you can't go back to the list afterwards to meet more people, prize or not.
Please know I am not suggesting you write a dissertation when you comment nor is any of this a requirement BUT it really IS common courtesy to take just a moment to let that person know you actually READ their post. Now the person sees that comment and says hmmm, that was a nice comment or an interesting comment or 'they get me'....I think I'll go see who THEY are. Now THEY leave a comment about you and before you know it you are communicating beyond your blogs because you've made a connection. Do you see what I am saying here?
There will always be those who race for the prize, I can't stop that BUT I hope that you will keep what I've said in mind.
At the end of OWOH I had people emailing to ask if they could drop anyone who left one of those "drive by" comments when preparing to choose a winner or winners. The answer to that is that it is up to you. So keep that in mind as you "drop in" a prearranged comment as it just may get you nowhere in the end.
Again, this is not a requirement it's merely a reminder of how we should all behave towards one another.
All over Blogland there are bloggers doing giveaways for whatever reason. You may keep what I have said in mind even when wanting to win their prize....because you just may miss out on the best prize of all and that is making a new friend!
Once you have gone over all of this and you still have questions.....please email me at
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your enthusiasm, your support and your "artistic passion"....long may it enchance our world!
Lisa Swifka
creator/host OWOA